Thursday, August 9, 2012

5 Reason to bin your cartridge razor!

1. The cost of modern day cartridge razors such as Gillette or Wilkinson sword are phenomenal. For some replacement blades you can expect to pay as much as £17 for 8 blades!
100 DE blades can cost as little as £8 and depending on how often you shave can last for more than a year!

2. The ingredients for your run of the mill shaving foam or gel include propellants and known carcinogens. They also include many additives that are known by the cosmetic industry to be skin irritants.
Traditional shaving creams and soaps do not include these ingredients as they do not come from a pressurised can.

3. By switching to traditional shaving methods your skin will reap the benefits. I suffered with acne as a teenager and I tried every over the counter ailment but to no avail. I then began shaving the old way and before I knew it my acne had gone and stayed away! Its just generally much better for your skin!

4. There is less of an impact on the environment when shaving traditionally also. The only thing you wash down the drain is lather which is basically soap. The disposable DE blades are recyclable and any empty soap or cream containers come in handy for soap refills!

5. Traditonal way of shaving is a much more enjoyable experience. Using a good shaving brush and soap followed by your favorite aftershave is very pleasing indeed, as you will hopefully find out for yourselves.

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